Sunday, June 15, 2014

Sooooooo Happy

The great wall came down today.  At one time the house was functioning as a duplex - probably not very successfully.  It's way too small to a be a real duplex so today I tore down the wall that enclosed the staircase and that concealed the most stunning old railing I've ever seen.  The house seems almost double in size with that staircase opened up.  It's amazing what an open concept does.  The space feels so much bigger now...and brighter.  The wall came down a lot easier that those damn floor tiles.  Thank God for that! 

I was so excited today when that wall came down.  I feel like we're making progress.  "We" meaning me and my infamous neighbor who has never let me step foot in that house alone to date.  We entertain each other with jokes and sing random songs together.  I have a big amp set up there with my iPod hooked up but he hasn't heard of any band since The Beatles.  I try to limit the Tupac and Biggie Smalls and keep it pretty mellow for the guy but he never complains.  Today we started singing "Downtown" by Petula Clark - probably the only common song we know.  Unfortunately the only word in the whole song I know is "Downtown" so it grew old pretty quick.  But I must have sang that word at least 100 times in the 2 hours we worked.  Again, he never complained.  We should really record this whole shit show because it's rather entertaining I'm sure.
When we were about to leave I noticed an old piece of linoleum flooring visible under the subfloor so I pulled it up with the crow bar and discovered......wait for it.......hardwood floor, that based on the newspaper layer covering it, has been hiding under there since 1964!  Jackpot!  So subfloor is coming up tonight. 
Phase II demolition complete.  Phase III and IV require the tearing out of the small makeshift kitchen on the second floor and all the baseboards.  Phase IV is the sun room demolition which I don't even want to think about right now.  One thing at a time.

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